These pieces were made for individual projects for classes using Adobe Photoshop.

This is a Cover Mockup of a fictional book, inspired by the song “Twilight Zone” by Golden Earring. The significance of this piece can be attributed to two factors. The first factor is that all of the images were required to be royalty-free. Because of this, the options were limited when it came to selecting graphics. The second factor is that this was the first time in a while that we had used Photoshop in class, making it a great refresher exercise to re-learn the program.

Another rule was that instead of designing the book after the title of the song, the assignment required us to use the lyrics, meaning that we had to pay attention to what lyrics our song had. For Twilight Zone, I thought that an interesting book title would be “When The Bullet Hits The Bone.” I also included additional lyrics to act as a sub-head, as well as a quote from the book.

I spent the most time experimenting with the window, as it is the product of 4 separate images put together. The 4 images I used were a shadowy room with a window, A night sky with a moon, A black and white spiral staircase, and a tree line. Through masking out the panes of the window, and blending modes to make the trees and spiral mix with the night sky, I was able to create an interesting background for the cover. For the skull in the foreground, I simply applied filters to make the lines pop.

This is an attempt at the Art Nouveau Revival style. If you feel like the colors make your eyes buzz, that’s intentional. With a mix of odd colors and fluid text placement, this design is intended to invoke the image of the 1960s, with psychedelic posters for bands. I felt that the unique color of Mtn Dew Baja Blast would give this image a unique identity.

Want to see more content made with Photoshop? check out this Bose Earbud Cinemagraph made in Photoshop!